Build / Park

Vehicle will be almost completely assembled off-playa, with major components connected using bolts, and standard electrical and data connectors. No fabrication will happen on playa. As a result we don't anticipate any MOOP risks distinct from our camp generally, which will be mitigated through regular camp MOOP sweeps.

To the extent any repairs or work needs to be done on components, work on the vehicle will be performed on an oversized tarp to protect the playa from leaks and spills, during periods of low wind. Repairs that might generate MOOP (eg drilling) will be performed in a camp structure where possible, or over a tarp with immediate collection of the waste (eg using a shopvac immediately alongside the drill hole).


Given the size of the car and it's interactivity we do not anticipate major additional MOOP problems.


Operators of the vehicle will perform a daily MOOP sweep to clean up loose MOOP in the vehicle from previous use (empty cans, lost backpacks, etc), and prevent the accumulation of MOOP that could fall on the playa. The car will be lightly cleaned to remove dust buildup and eliminate hidden micro-moop, particularly on the interior of the car where dust buildup accumulates.


When leaving an area after being parked the driver and assistant operator will check the playa for any fluid leaks or drips. All loose objects (books, drinks, etc) will be secured before moving (either in the storage lockers, or in participant's hands).


When Storytime is parked for interactivity, we will deploy a large cushion-covered rug in front of the car. As people come and go, the operator and co-operator will remind people to do a quick MOOP sweep. Before the vehicle leaves after interactivity, the operators will recruit participants to perform a MOOP sweep around the vehicle, particularly focusing on the front side. We expect the rug to also catch most drips and small MOOP from participants, this will be thoroughly checked and rolled up inside-in to contain anything left over. The operators will perform another, final, MOOP sweep around the vehicle after the rug and cushions are loaded.

While we will actively encourage participants to be self-reliant and take their own MOOP away, the car will have heavy-duty trash bags on board for backup, as well as tools for MOOPing where required (brush and shovel, small hand rake). Trash picked up by the car will be disposed of through our camp's general trash handling scheme.

When making shorter stops (ie, not setting up rug, etc for outboard interactivity), the operators and riders will perform a MOOP sweep in a radius around the vehicle before leaving.


Fueling of the vehicle will happen either at BRC PETROL, following their plan for LNT, or in-camp using our fuel barrel. Fueling in camp is performed by filling a 5 gallon SureCan from the barrel over secondary containment, and then using the can to safely fuel the vehicle. The SureCan makes fueling much easier and safer. Fuel in camp is stored per requirements, in large secondary containment, in the shade, and away from vehicles, generators, and other sources of ignition.


We do not anticipate any distinct MOOP hazards from the vehicle beyond general camp requirements. The vehicle will be disassembled and loaded onto its trailer with all components secured and loose objects removed.

As part of camp strike, the entire area will be MOOPed by camp members. Art car crew will specifically MOOP the vehicle parking area and trailer. Trash is stored in heavy-duty 6 mil trash bags, separated into trash, recycle, and aluminum streams. Aluminum cans will be recycled with Recycle Camp on Saturday. Trash bags are carried out inside vehicles and in the camp truck.

Once all infrastructure is packed and loaded, our entire crew will line sweep the plot with rakes, and a magnet rake. Our camps (DeMaTerial '16, '17, '18; Czargasm '18, Friend Mfg Co ‘19) have been in good standing with placement every year.